Message of head of University to current year graduates for holding second integrated celebration...

TUMSAO News: head of University sent one message to current year graduates for hoolding second integrated celebration.
TUMSAO: head of University sent one message to current year graduates for holding second integrated celebration.
This message is:
In the name of God
In God we trust, integrated ceremony for TUMS’ alumni will be held in 2013.09.16. This celebration in entire world is usual and in TUMS has an old history but integrated celebration for all alumni is held for second year in TUMS, this celebration was held last year with a great magnificent and students and their families welcomed to this celebration.
This year with effort of alumni office, this celebration is held. And I want to congratulate to all of you and I recommend all of you not to rely on your certificates and continue your studying.
At the end of his speech, he thanked from students and their schools, especially Dr Bahadori head of contact with alumni office and pioneer professor of TUMS for their trying; he also hopes be successful and be healthy. He said : 'I hope that your valuable existence always be glorious in this way.'
Dr Mohammad reza Mansouri
Head of Tehran University Medical Sciences
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