Nineteenth festival of Razi Medical Sciences was held

TUMSAO News: TUMS was selected for 11th consecutive year in Razi Medical Sciences.
TUMSAO: 19th Razi medical sciences research festival was held with presence of Dr Ruhani Iran president, Dr Hashemi health minister, Dr Sattari vice president in scientific and technology field. Dr Malekzadeh, vice president in research and technology field of health ministry in Shahid Behesti University Medical Sciences.
In this festival, appreciated from 44 selected researchers, at the first of this festival Dr Malekzadeh vice president in scientific and technology field reported about festival execution and said:’
through 18 Razi festivals, 511 people were selected and this year we tried to have a special attention to research quality and we try to select people that haven’t been selected yet.’
He said:’ TUMS contains %38 total scientific productions
but Health ministry budget contains less than %10 and research budget is less than % 0.5 of GDP.’

At continuation of this festival, Dr Sattari scientific vice chancellor of president said about allocation of some income of firm foundation of knowledge to universities.
He noted to elite national foundation supports to University and said:’ in addition to selected elites can use from facilities of this festival, Commercialization will be done for selected elites.’
After that Dr Hashemi health minister emphasized that research activities for providing articles have been ended and we must consider best targets, and we must careful for content of these festivals like Razi festival.
Over 5 months ago, some activities in the field of health have been done but they weren’t well. He added:’ sometimes indulgence can damage to researches thus researchers without indulgence and illusion can provide a bright future for country.’
After that Dr Ruhani congratulated to selected Scientists in Razi festival and he added: If we say that health territory has its characters and if we say that consistent enrichment without health promotion won’t be done its true.’
He added:’ government tries in 4 years program, bring health system to convenient conditions. Hence he wanted Dr Hasahemi bring vaccine discussion to convenient point.’
Mr President said that society needs question and response and emphasized on research and development, and said:’ if we want to reach to power and wealth, we haven’t any way only research, and I promise to convert researches that are practical and useful for society.’
In this festival was appreciated from some scientists like as Dr Negarandeh, Dr Kazem zadeh, Dr esteghamati and....
Source: public relations
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