Oath reading ceremony of traditional medicine residence alumni and new entrance students thanksgiving

oath ceremony reading of traditional medicine and pharmacy residence alumni and new entrance students thanksgiving was held in hall of sheikh sadoogh, haram abdolazim.
According to the report of traditional medicine, alumni oath ceremony and new students’ thanksgiving of traditional medicine courses was held with presence of professors, alumni and students in hall of sheikh sadoogh, haram abdolazim on Tuesday in 19th February.
At the first of this ceremony, Dr fartuk zade, educational assistance of traditional medicine college said that Our target in exploitation from holding this ceremony is spirituality ring of this saint place for entrance of alumni in service ring and also new students to education ring.
At continuation of this ceremony, Dr Bahadori head of contact with alumni office, said that basis of traditional medicine is spirituality and science and noted that appropriate use of the past heritage and at the same time completing and updating the traditional rules.
Dr Esfahani, head of Quran, Hadith and medicine research centre said that veteran professors of traditional medicine have the multiple responsibilities in forming optimal patterns; noted traditional medicine will advance Cooperation, empathy and activists of this ring would lead the field will go. He also advised students and alumni to Praise the Lord, avoid scientific pride, regard to veterans and Virtue.
At the end of this ceremony, reading of alumni oath and reading of liturgy were done through new entrance students of traditional medicine courses and traditional pharmacy of traditional medicine school.
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