Professor Bahadori emphasized on clinical residents presence in 3rd integrated ceremony in joint meeting...

TUMSAO: in responsible meeting of alumni office with residents in TUMS hospitals representative were expressed: ‘alumni in different levels of TUMS are genius and University is proud of them’.

In this meeting that was held in Imam hospital complex with presence of Dr Bahadori chancellor of alumni office, Dr Gatmiri vice chancellor of alumni office, Dr Saied Ahmadian secretary of alumni office, Maryam Zahedi public affairs manager and a group of TUMS hospitals residents and alumni offices responsible.
At the first of this meeting Dr Bahadori, chancellor of alumni office, after welcoming to chief residents of TUMS’s hospitals expressed:’ TUMS in education of country’s professors and special groups have an important role. This University is the first University in our country and is a national symbol.’
Professor Bahadori said:’ TUMS is holding integrated ceremony for 3rd consecutive year for all courses and all colleges and most important character of this celebration is holding nationally.’ Imam has said that TUMS is symbol of country’s higher education and target of holding this ceremony is reaching to this target. He added:’ hosting of best professors and best students is a great proud for TUMS and most important alumni office role is maintaining contact between alumni and University.’
Head of alumni office added that University won’t progress only in cooperation with alumni and me proud to service to TUMS for 65 years.
At continuation of this meeting, Dr Gatmiri vice chancellor of alumni office added:’ Contact with alumni office has been established in order to maintain contact with alumni and University. Of course this contact must establish dependence sense and they mustn’t leave this contact.’
He added:’ this office in spite of being dynamic, it had been able to establish contacts with alumni, many centers have been established under consideration of alumni office and each of them has its statute.’
Dr Gatmiri said about office activities like providing alumni magazine (Armaghan), holding seminars with pioneer alumni, establishment of alumni offices, establishment of continuous meetings with office responsible, making graduation email, holding cultural programs, visiting different places and holding scientific programs like Dr Yalda congress.
He continued his speech with showing pictures from alumni ceremony around the world and said that alumni office are trying to establish some convenient backgrounds to establish relation with alumni.
Dr saied Ahmadian secretary of alumni office said:’ with cooperation of this office we hold integrated ceremony annually.’ He added:’ many centers like medicines 64, have an annual conference and 21st conference of medicines 64 will be held this year.’
Dr saied Ahmadian said that alumni in different levels of (Bachelor, Master and PhD) will participate in this ceremony and added:’ target of holding this congress is more familiarity of alumni in different levels with targets of holding this celebration.’
Secretary of alumni office wanted residents to inform classmates about this celebration and with registration in alumni office site, number of white scarves will increase.
Maryam Zahedi public affairs manager said that one of holding integrated ceremony targets is establishing contact with alumni, because they leave this University very soon, through their contact information, we can access to all University alumni and we can contact them and establish background for joint activities.
At the end audience (residents and alumni offices responsible) expressed their comments.
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