Professor Bahadori’s appreciation from Dr Borghei in medicine day

TUMSAO News: Contemporary with medicine day, head of contact with alumni office, Dr Bahadori appreciated from Dr Borghei ENT special from Tehran University Medical Sciences.
TUMSAO: Truly services of Dr Borghei were appreciated with effort of professor’s students and with presence of Dr Hashemi head of health ministry, Dr Khatami former president of I.R. Iran, Dr Mansouri head of Tehran University Medical Sciences, Dr Malekzadeh head of research centre of Gastroenterology and Hepatology in Tehran University Medical Sciences, Dr Farhadi, and Dr Bahadori head of contact with alumni office in Tehran University Medical Sciences, Mr Doaee Responsible of Ettelaat newspaper and many famous professors of ENT, was held in Isteghlal Hotel in 23rd August, Text of appreciation letter is :
In the name of god
Mr Professor Borghei
Veteran professor of Tehran University Medical Science
Naming birthday of Sheikh O Raees Abou ali Sina as medicine day, has a story as extension of science story in this country and it testifies on brilliant talents in this country, with coming this day and in order thanking of 50 years efforts of Dr Borghei, we want to donate this appreciation tablet to him.
We want you to be successful to reach your holy targets in medical profession and in different life situations.
Best Regards
Dr Bahadori
Head of contact with alumni office in Tehran University Medical Science
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