Reviewing 80 years history narrated with pioneer professor of TUMS

TUMSAO: Dr. Bahadori: reviewing 80 years history of University, liking birth of new child, educating and yet can be professor and educate students.
In threshold of holding anniversary ceremony of establishment regulation of TUMS, we want to have an interview with professor Bahadori, pioneer professor of TUMS and chancellor of alumni office; we can review this TUMS’s promotion.
Appointment of establishment Regulation of TUMS
80 years have passed from TUMS establishment regulation in parliament. Of course TUMS is child of Darolfonun but before TUMS establishment, schools were separated from each other and were managed as college like Medicine College.
Before establishment of TUMS, Medicine College was educating doctors, and even now we have doctors from 1934. Medical College was separated from Darolfonun in 1918 but hadn’t an appropriate place. In past years were in Masudie building and in another time was in Mokhberoddoleh square and at last lied on current place in Jalalieh.
Medical school establishment
From Beginning, medical school was part of TUMS. That time, Dr. Hekmat was TUMS’s chancellor; medical school was promoted from 1934 but there were some disputes among its professors and somewhat University administration was disturbed until in 1939, appointed that a foreign person brought for Medical school management. This person was Charles Oirelon, professor of Pathology in Paris University. At first he was appointed for 2 years and after that this appointment was extended.
Most important activities of Professor Oirelon
First activity: adding hospitals to Medical School
In spite of medical school establishment in 1934, no hospital was it’s under control. At that time hospitals were servicing to people but weren’t under control with Medical Sciences University. One of the most important activities of professor Oirelon was gathering hospitals and added them to TUMS, some of them belonged to municipality and others administered with charity that most important hospitals were Ibnesina, Neswan, Vaziri and....
Second activity: Determining Professor’s seats in schools
Before arrival of Professor Oirelon to Tehran, courses weren’t separated from each other; he could classify lessons and established different diseases seats like infectious, internal and surgery… that as a whole were 40 chairs. 28 chairs are belonged to medical school.
Third activity: Graduation of special Doctors
Before establishment of medical school, medical college graduating 30-40 doctors but with establishment of medical school, more students attracted to this school. Another important activity in medical school was lunching special courses in clinical and basic parts.
Within years, medical school grew so that in 1971 addition to GP graduation, could graduate special professors. After Islamic revolution, student reception grew.
Pharmacy school and dental school
In 1985, medical part was separated from sciences ministry and health, treatment and medical education ministry and TUMS was established. Of course post-graduation extended and at now have graduations in clinical, specialty and subspecialty courses.
Formation of other schools
Nursing and midwifery school
After establishment of TUMS, midwifery and nursing course activated. In 1936 this course could achieve license from health ministry. In 1987, within Cultural Revolution reforms, this school could promote more than past years.
Health school
Establishment of health school is related to parasitology chair in medical school in 1940, professor of parasitology chair in health school was educated in Paris. First institute that he was established was malariology, at that malaria disease was epidemic and many people were died for this problem.
One of important activities in this school was education of Special Forces and providing health services to people and researches in the field of communicable and parasitology diseases were done and also some activities for removing them were done. Each station benefits from its professors and students and they have provided many services.
Rehabilitation school
This school was inaugurated in 50 years ago that some physiotherapists graduated in foreign and decided to inaugurate this course in TUMS. Today this school educates in 3 courses of rehabilitation, audiology and orthopedics in 3 levels of bachelor, master and Ph.D.
Paramedics School
Gradually after formation of paramedical courses in the country, paramedic school was formed in TUMS that at beginning, educated laboratory sciences technicians and after that some levels and courses were added to that.
Night course
This course was inaugurated from 1971. At first its students were belonged to meet needs of health ministry and University. After 2 years this course were official, in fact TUMS is the 1st University that could inaugurate night course.
Fortunately with health ministry program in the field of health reform plan, style of services to patients have been changed even how to service patients changed and we hope doctors remuneration will be amended.
Today’s universities mission
Before revolution, country has paid much money for dispatching patients to abroad. In fact in past years there are not all treatments and in 1973, 250 physicians were invited from Bangladesh.
While in all of countries even little cities benefit from general, special physicians, dentists, pharmacists and paramedics and cover all of clients and thanks God.
These great efforts are indebted to professors and colleagues efforts.
Newly colleges
Traditional medicine school
Origin of our medicine history is not related to Europe but this history has existed from Ibn sina and Zakaria Razi time. Traditional medicine begun from China and it’s updated until now. Of course some people believe past treatment methods are not practical at now unless some parts that have proven with new sciences. In Iranian traditional medicine we talk about food style and its nutrition, you cannot cancel all of beliefs and must investigate more about them.
New Medical Technologies School
Today medical sciences affiliated to Technology science, at first technology used for laboratory equipment and after that it’s used to more equipped technologies and it seems, using electronic and physical equipment in society health will be used and we must know how to use them in medical science.
Virtual School
Today electronic equipment are extended, in past years we may not collect all of documents in a little place but today it’s possible. Through electronic communications we can send much information very well and issue many instructions. Even in Telemedicine we have promotions and shared treatment methods accurately.
School of nutrition and diet sciences
This school was established with a group named nutrition and biochemistry, in which from 1974, this school has some graduations. At last with reference to increasing professors and students an independent school was established in 2008. At now this school has students in levels of master and Ph.D. and main aims of this school is preventive activation especially in treatment and in second level providing nutritional recommendations and in third level providing appropriate treatment diet to patients.
International Campus
There are two ideas for University activities in international field. 1st idea is
Absorption of wealthy families that come back to Iran and continue their education in Iran, and 2nd idea is admission of foreign students.
Alumni office
Our entire dispute is alumni office; Buildings do not service society, University’s alumni are servicing society fulltime.
Most important problem is ‘not forgetting University’s alumni and mustn’t disconnect their relation with University’. If we don’t encourage them, it may be cause of their weakness and for this case we must establish a special office named as alumni office. In this office shortages are identified and university will be successful.
Unfortunately Alumni office importance hasn’t cleared very well and for enrichment of this office, needs more support of University’s alumni. Fortunately this office could have identified many old alumni and bring to TUMS, we hope chancellor’s University support cause promotion of our Office.
80th anniversary of TUMS’s establishment
Doing this plan came to Alumni office; it means TUMS’s alumni office must hold this celebration. Many students have come to this University and graduated and at last doing many services to society. In fact 80th anniversary of TUMS’s establishment is in behalf of alumni office that with drawing future plan can help society health and at last can establish positive effect on the society and until now our country has benefited from many university through our University (TUMS).
Last word
Moving forward our University (TUMS) is related to activations of Managers, Professors and our students and it shows they know future needs of society and I hope with responsible support, we can afford future society needs.
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