Second day of fourth congress of newest research achievements in medical science with fields of nanotechnology was held

TUMSAO News: In second day of fourth newest research achievements in medical science that was held in Imam Hall of Imam Khomeini hospital complex in 27.10.2013 were reviewed some scientific panels: nanotechnology, disease and diagnosis, brain and nerves.

Dr Lotfi, speech in First panel in the field of nanotechnology with subject importance of interdisciplinary sciences in medical field and after that Dr Ejtemaee mehr speech with subject tissue engineering. Dr esmaeel Sadr o dinee, expressed active role of biotechnology in medicine and after that Dr Khosravani expressed Treatment of brain tumours using nano- carriers, At continuation of this part, Dr Abdolahad expressed electronic applications based on silicone nanocits for diagnosis in the colon cancer cells, after him Dr Zahmatkesh expressed opportunities and challenges of nanotechnology usage in Neuroscience;
Congress continued with disease and diagnosis panel, first of all Dr Kariminejad speech in the field of history and evolution of prenatal diagnosis.
Professor Alebuie, expressed progression of blood diseases and Professor Amin speech about Differential diagnosis of asthma, at continuation of this congress Professor Kamalian expressed Nora bone lesion and skin lesion.
Last second panel had the subject brain and nerves; it contained two speeches with subject new options for prevention in stroke of Non- valve atrial fibrillation and Secondary and primary central nervous system lymphoma.
At the end of these speeches, Questions and answers among participants and speakers were done.
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