Second integrated alumni celebration of TUMS was held with presence of health minister

TUMSAO News: Second integrated alumni celebration of TUMS was held in nativity night of Imam Reza, with presence of 2012 – 2013 graduations and their families in Azadi training complex.
TUMSAO: In second integrated ceremony that was held in 17.09.2013, Dr Hashemi health minister, Dr Mansouri, head of University, Dr Keshavarz vice chancellor of head of university, Dr Isazadeh responsible of representative of Leadership in TUMS, Dr Bahdori head of contact with alumni office, Dr gatminiri vice chancellor and veteran professors and head of schools had been participated.
Dr Bahadoriat at the first of this celebration, said: ‘for me and for alumni office is a great honor to congratulate second integrated alumni celebration in nativity night of Imam Reza.’
At continuation of this ceremony, Dr Bahadori congratulated to alumni families for their efforts for their children and said to alumni:’ you are honored that have been graduated in this University, because it is the greatest medical Science University and in past 11 years, has been placed in the first ranks and 9 scientists from 11 international scientists are belonged to this University.’
He said:’ it has a great tribute, because medical course has a great sanctity and people that were graduated in this night must swear that their targets improve people’s health.’
Dr Hashemi congratulated nativity of Imam Reza and graduation of alumni and said:’ we must try at the first we must be honest with ourselves and after that with people and we mustn’t lie because lying will eliminate thanks and said that they must regard to their parents.’
He added:’ health system is in your service’ and he invited alumni to patience and said:’ be sure that we have bear many problems and we have graduated with many difficulties. I hope that your patience will promote and God helps us to provide some of your demands.’
Health minister added:’ of course in new time of health ministry, were regarded to alumni and all of scientific and trading communities.’
He continued:’ we believe that a successful system regards to people’s health and provide a integrated insurance system for all people.’
Dr Hashemi appreciated from all of practitioners that established this magnificent celebration and said:’ I appreciate from all of professors especially Dr Larijani, Dr Mansouri and chancellors board and veteran professors.’
In this program were appreciated from prominent faculty members and some representatives of alumni and in the ceremony Dr Bahadori read alumni oath and alumni repeated after him.
It must be explained second integrated ceremony was held with effort of alumni office and many alumni families welcomed to this celebration.
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