Second seminar with students about 3rd integrated ceremony was held

TUMSAO: Second seminar with students about 3rd integrated ceremony was held 11.03.2014 in alumni office.

TUMSAO: This meeting was held with presence of Dr Saied Ahmadian secretary of alumni office, Maryam Zahedi public Manager of alumni office, Responsible and experts of alumni office. Dr Saied Ahmadian said:’ after holding Multiple meeting and consultation with students, professors and responsible, we reached to joint result and we decided to hold 3rd ceremony in beginning of prophet mission, in Tehran University Lawn.’
He added:’ ceremony contains: holding pavilions for each school, central alumni office, Picture, Atelier, IT Part for making alumnus Email and ....’
Secretary of alumni office added:’ this year we try to have 2 speeches and we try to promote recreational part.’
He emphasized:’ accordance to be dissatisfied alumni from two former ceremonies, we decided to have a better reception this year.’
Dr Saied Ahmadian wanted more comments in unofficial part.
He continued:’ accordance to Professor. Bahadori’s comments and like as renowned Universities ceremonies, former graduations were invited as honorary guests’
Dr Saied Ahmadian added:’ it’s better to divide duties very quickly, these committees contain: information committees, public relation, reception committees, health and ….’
Zahedi welcomed to audience and said:’ with help of God and cooperation of all of you, we will hold this ceremony very well.’ He also added:’ all official and unofficial programs will be informed soon as possible.’
She also continued:’ accordance to former celebrations and budget priority of treatment, ceremony budget will be provided very hard. And we can absorb financial resources through foreign foundations like as municipalities, education center, drug accessories companies.’
She also noted to defects of former ceremonies and said:’ we welcome your cooperation’; she also noted to guests restrictions for reason of restricted budget.
She also added:’ holding a great ceremony is not an easy work. It needs facilities, equipments, advertisement and active forces.’ She also added:’ students that were holding these ceremonies in past years, they were proud of their University and themselves.’
At the end of this session was appointed, next meeting will be held in 8.04.2014., at that time responsible will go there and express their comments.
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