Session of TUMS student assistant with responsible of alumni office

TUMSAO: responsible of alumni office in a session with Dr. Pourgharib student, cultural assistant, said that they are ready to afford student’s needs.
Responsible of alumni office in a session with Dr. Pourgharib student, cultural assistant, said that they are ready to afford student’s needs.
In this session that was held in 18th November in council hall of alumni office, Dr. Gatmiri vice chancellor of alumni office and president of cultural, scientific foundation of Dr. Bahadori explained about expansion of office and foundation.
After brief explanation about alumni office establishment and its most important activities said:’ in behalf of chancellor of University and trustee board, this office was established and Dr. Bahadori has been head of alumni office’.
Dr. Gatmiri vice chancellor of alumni office added:’ in order to resolve of challenges and receipt of alumni aids (cash & non-cash aids), managers of alumni office decided to establish none-governmental foundation of Dr. Bahadori and now we allocated a physical place for this foundation and it has been lunched its activities independently’.
He also expressed:’ around the world, all of these organizations have been established for aid of universities in the field of medical equipment, reconstruction of library, lunching labs’.
Dr. Dowlati member of trustee board of cultural, scientific foundation of Dr. Bahadori, said:’ this foundation has helped students very much but I emphasize that aids are not satisfied’.
Dr. Pourgharib after appreciation from alumni office responsible and Dr. Bahadori Foundation said that aid of students is too valuable and expressed his support for this action.
He also added that 18 years ago, I saw dormitories condition and at now as student assistant I inspected there unfortunately their conditions have been worse too and I was upset.
At the end of this meeting, Dr. Gatmiri added:’ for absorption of more aids, students’ needs in behalf of student assistant must be verified and must be expressed to Dr. Bahadori foundation and finally we could help them’.
Translator: sid Mehdi fazeli
International affairs expert
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