The white robe celebration ceremony of 2019 incoming medical students of Tehran University of Medical Sciences was held

The white robe ceremony of 98 incoming medical students of Tehran University of Medical Sciences was held on Sunday, 19th of February, in the presence of Dr. Mohammad Taqi BeygMohammadi, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and a group of assistants and professors of this faculty.

According to the public relations report of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, at the beginning of this ceremony, Dr. BeygMohammadi, while congratulating the students, advised the students: In addition to studying well, try to do sports and art as well and don't be one-dimensional and make the every moment of your life. Take advantage of your life. Define your goal, what you want to achieve.

Dr. BeygMohammadi said: Take care of the health of your soul and body, take care of the tenderness of your soul, feelings and emotions.

At following, Dr. Mansoureh Tagha , a member of the faculty of the neurology department and the founder of the headache field in the country and Iran's representative in the World Headache Association, congratulated the medical students on entering a new stage of the medical field and entering the clinical phase and added: "You, due to your innate talent God has provided you and you have reached this position today by having a supportive family.

He added: "Medicine is a holly profession, be appreciative of your position and remember to think one must be the patient before you go to the patient's bedside."

Dr. Tagha continued to share his memories of his studies and said: Today, Iran is a prominent country in the field of headache and has something to say. Despite all the difficulties and shortcomings, we stood and founded this field.

Stating that my student days were spent during the war, he said: Many people died so that we can reach here today, the situation we are in today is thanks to their sacrifices.

Addressing the students, Dr. Tagha said: Pride is the bane of the medical field, we must know that we are no different from others and we have only been given a blessing from God to serve the people in order to reach this position.

The faculty member of the Medicine continued: You are officially entering the clinical phase from today, and one of the main conditions of the clinic is that the patient accepts us, and our simplicity is one of the conditions of acceptance by the patients.

In addition, Dr. Reza Taslimi , a gastroenterology specialist and a member of the faculty of the internal medicine department, said in this ceremony: "You are full of hope, philanthropy, and cheerfulness when you enter the hospital and during the intern-ship period, and I hope you will maintain this loving spirit until the end It is a difficult field and we may be deprived of some pleasures and peace of life, but with all the difficulties, we have chosen this field.

He continued: As a friend, support each other, as a host, be more welcoming to foreign students, if there is a problem, you can refer to your professors.

Dr. Mirzazadeh, the director of the internal medicine department, considered intern ship activities to be the most important change in the course of studying medicine and said: In the faculty, education is centered on knowledge, while in the hospital, it is centered on the patient.

He considered the criterion of success in the hospital to be better than the patient, and he asked three questions for the students and said: Think about the answers to these questions, should you see the patient or the disease? What qualifications and capabilities should you acquire to become empowered? How to achieve this feature?

In the continuation of the ceremony, a white robe was symbolically covered over the medical students and Dr. Mirzazadeh read the medical oath, a souvenir photo in the College was the end of the ceremony.

 Seyed Mehdi Fazeli

International Relations Expert

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