Visit of student assistant with professor Bahadori in the field of dormitory needs

TUMSAO: Dr. Pourgharib student assistant of University reports about benefactors’ aids and also the appropriate needs of students.
TUMSAO: in this meeting that was held on Saturday July 25th in council hall of alumni office with presence of board of directors of scientific cultural foundation of Dr. Bahadori and managers of student assistant; at first Dr. Pourgharib reported student assistant activities.
He explained about simaltaneus rebulding of 3 dormitories, establishment of industrial kitchen, reading house and building of exercising salon.
Dr. pourgharib appreciated Dr. Bahadori for equip the dormitory like as purchasing some closets, some carpets and some health items.
At following this meeting, Dr. seyyedahmadian secretary of alumni office expressed:’ according to corona virus, lifestyles have changed like students’ needs.
He added:’ according to chancellor’s approech to equipment of student dormitory I hope these problems will be solved soon’.
Dr. rezaee head of scientific, cultural foundation of Dr. Bahadori said:’ effort in this foundation is a great honor for me and we must maintain relashinships’.
He continued:’ at first we don’t treat students well, and they leave University with bad memory, we must firstly connect them to alumni office until after graduation they maintain their relashinships’.
Dr. Gatmiri vice chancellor of alumni office and general manage of scientific, Cultural foundation of Dr. Bahadori said:’ Dr. Bahadori foundation has always emphesised on equipment of dormitory and has always tried to absorb benefactors’ aids.
He added:’ ofcourse, meet students needs mean regard to logical priorites and ofcourse we can absorb many foreign benefactors and with cooperation of alumni office and student asistant we can meet the needs of students’.
At the end of this meeting, Dr. Bahadori head of alumni office said:’ one of the most important duties of foundation meet needs of students in diferrent fields and I hope aid many more to Universitty’.
He emphesized that with cooperation of alumni office, student asistant and Dr. Bahadori foundation, communicating ring has been formed to meet the needs of students.
He added that graduation ceremony, is a big oppurtunity for alumni family to familiar with students’ problems and we hope this ceremony will bee resumed after corona virus epidemy.
Translator: sid Mehdi fazeli
International affairs expert
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